Mecha-Tool® Full Synthetic Mercon V ATF superior antiwear, oxidation resistance, sludge and varnish control and anti-shudder durability. Mecha-Tool® Full Synthetic Mercon V ATF is a fortified with anti-corrosion properties, enhanced foam control as well as protection for seals. Mecha-Tool® Full Synthetic Mercon V ATF offers a superior performance in a wide range of applications, including North America, European and Asian vehicles. The product is not only suitable for many of today’s high-performance transmissions, it also provides premium performance in older vehicles. Suitable for use in: Ford MERCON V, Toyota T-III, T-IV, Allison C-4, JASO 1-A, SP-III, More N-A., Asian and European Ats. Mecha-Tool® Full Synthetic Mercon V ATF can be used for low viscosity applications such as DEXRON VI, FORD MERCON LV and Ford MERCON SP: however, the viscosity profile may not meet the specification requirement and may be subject to regulation in some countries and states in the U.S. such as California. Is not recommended for DCTs
Packaging: 5 Gl Pail & 55 Drum gl.